
It really IS a big enough umbrella.

O My God -The Police

Everyone I know is lonely,
and God's so far away.
And my heart belongs to no one, so now sometimes I pray:
Take the space between us, fill it up some way.

Oh my God, you take my biscuit treating me this way.
Expecting me to treat you well no matter what you say.
How can I turn the other cheek? It's black and bruised and torn...
I've been waiting since the day that I was born!

Fill it up!
Fill it up!

Take the space between us, fill it up some way.
Take the space between us, fill it up! Fill it up!

Fill it uuup!

Fat man in his garden, thin man at his gate.
My God you must be sleeping! Wake up! It's much too late.

Take the space between us, fill it up some way.
Take the space between us, fill it up! Fill it up!

Fill it uuup!

Do I have to tell the story of the thousand rainy days since we first met?
It's a big enough umbrella...
but it's always me that ends up getting wet.*

* -you can find this extract in "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" too. ;)-

1 comentario:

Marina dijo...


Hace cosa de dos semanas se me ocurrio preguntarme de donde habrias sacado la frase (que sabia que ya habia escuchado en otro lado) "it's a big enough umbrella"... que por su estructura gramatical y semantica era mas british imposible...

la busque y me puse a escuchar de vuelta "every little thing..." y me imprimi la letra y me la puse sobre el escritorio.

y en el auto hacia Kranjska Gora (montania con nieve y encuentro de artes marciales, 4 clases de aikido en 2 dias) con Federico el viernes pasado, la pasaron y la puse a todo volumen y me acorde de vos.

porque serà que sting nos une siempre?
"every little thing she does is magic"
I totally agree my dear.